Adi Mulsandi, S.Si., M.Si
Jabatan: Lektor
TTL: Tegal, 18 Maret 1981
NIP: 19810318 200412 1001
NIDN : 3018038101
Kepakaran: Remote sensing dan Pemodelan Cuaca
Bidang Riset: Remote sensing dan Pemodelan Cuaca
Kantor: Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika
Email: [email protected]
D3 (2004, Meterologi, Akademi Meteorologi dan Geofisika Jakarta)
S1 (2009, Fisika, Universitas Negerei Cenderawasih)
S2 (2011, Sains Kebumian, Intitute Teknologi Bandung)
Publikasi :
Mulsandi, A and Wulandary, S. 2014. Simulation of Heavy Rainfall during Floods Events in Donggala using WRFEMS Model. Proceeding of National Seminar in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Institute of Agriculture Bogor. Bogor.
Mulsandi, A and Miftahuddin. 2014. Signal Analysis of Weather Data using Emphirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Proceeding of Mathematics National Seminars 2014. Parahyangan University. Bandung.
Mulsandi, A and Mahendra, R.2015.Simulation of Significant Wave Height Using Wavewatch-III Model (Case of Study During 14-17 June 2015 in Southern Coast of East Java). Proceeding on the 5th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere – a Forum of Humanosphere Science School.Indonesian Institute of Science.Jakarta
Mulsandi,A and Hidayati, S. 2015. Identification of Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) Using MTSAT Satellite Infrared Channel Imagery. Proceeding on the 5th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere – a Forum of Humanosphere Science School.Indonesian Institute of Science.Jakarta
Wijaya A, Mulsandi A.2007.Characteristic of rainfall in Sorong Region. Bulletin of Meteorology and Geophysics. Vol 3 No 4. Jakarta.
Miftahuddin, Andriani, R, Setiawan, I, and Mulsandi, A. 2013. The Applied of Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) in The ENSO Phenomena to Identify Climate Feature Relationship. Jurnal Nature of Indonesia 15(1). 36–44.
Wisesa, G. M., and Mulsandi A. 2014. Cumulonimbus (CB) Identification Using Radar Image during Flood Events in Lombok. Journal of Meteorology, Vol I. Climatology and Geophysics. Jakarta.
Wiguna P.P.H and Mulsandi, A. 2016. Preliminary Study of Utilization Windprofiler PCL – 1300 forIdentification of Planetary Boundary Layer Thickness in Lombok International Airport. Buletin Meteo Ngurah Rai.Vol 2 No 2. Denpasar.