Hasti Amrih Rejeki, SST, M,Si


Jabatan: Asisten Ahli

TTL: Jakarta, 20 Januari 1991

NIP: 199101202010122001

Kepakaran: Meteorologi dan Iklim Maritim, Oseanografi

Bidang Riset: Meteorologi dan Iklim Maritim, Oseanografi

Kantor: Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika

Email: [email protected]


2009 – 2010, D-I Meteorologi, Akademi Meteorologi dan Geofisika
2011 – 2013, D-III Meteorologi, Akademi Meteorologi dan Geofisika
2013 – 2014, D-IV Klimatologi, Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika
2015 – 2017, Magister Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Publikasi :

Hasti Amrih Rejeki, Kunarso, Munasik (2018): Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Height Difference between Western Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean and its Effect to Geostrophic Current in Lombok Strait, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 162 (2018) 012016 doi :10.1088/1755-1315/162/1/012016.

Hasti Amrih Rejeki, Kunarso, Munasik (2018): Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Differences between Western Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean Related to ENSO Events, IEEE Indonesia Section (accepted, on progress).

Reynold Mahubessy, Andreas Kurniawan Silitonga ,Giofani Pratiwi Lumbantobing, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2018): The Analysis of Atmospheric and Marine Dynamics in Java Island during Cempaka Tropical Cyclone, IEEE Indonesia Section (accepted, on progress).

Rahmatia Dewi Ariyanti, Dian Asmarani, Hasti Amrih Rejeki dan Aries Kristianto (2018): Atmospheric Dynamics and Moisture Transport Forming Tropical Cyclones in Indonesian Maritime, 1st International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Khalid Fikri Nugraha Isnoor, Praestyo Umar Firdianto, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2018): Activity of Borneo Vortex as a Trigger for Extreme Rain in the West Borneo (Case Study: 24 – 25 January 2017), 1st International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Trya Chandra Meilusiani, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2018): Identification of Sea Breeze Front and Convective Activity Over the Makassar Detected by Doppler Weather Radar, International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Khalid Fikri Nugraha Isnoor, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2018): Analisis Kondisi Atmosfer Saat Terjadi Borneo Vortex dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Curah Hujan di Wilayah Kalimantan Barat dan Kepulauan Riau (Periode 2006 – 2016), Sinas Inderaja 2018.

Restiana Fitri, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2018): Pengaruh Fenomena Upwelling-Downwelling di Perairan Utara dan Selatan Jawa Timur terhadap Variabilitas Curah Hujan Jawa Timur, Sinas Inderaja 2018.

Muhammad Fuad Islami, Hasti Amrih Rejeki, Ahmad Fadlan (2018): Aqua MODIS and Altimetry Satellite Data Utilization for Determining the Effective Time and Area of Fishing in South Sulawesi, International Conference of Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS 2018).

Hasti Amrih Rejeki, Kunarso, Munasik (2017): The Effect of ENSO to the Variability of Altimetry in Western Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean and Its Connectivity to the Indonesia Throughflow (ITF), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 55 (2017) 012066 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/55/1/012066.

Hadiman, Erik Handono, Hasti Amrih Rejeki (2017): Analisis Sebaran Wilayah Potensi Ikan Berdasarkan Pantauan Konsentrasi Klorofil-a dan Suhu Muka Laut di Perairan Maluku, Prosiding Sinas Inderaja 2017 ISBN: 978-602-72335-5-3.


2016. The 2nd International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development (Speaker),

2016. The 1st international conference on maritime science and advance technology (speaker),

2016. Internship Program, Physical Oceanography Laboratory, University of the Ryukyus Japan, December 2016 – January 2017.

2017. The 1st Maritime Safety International Conference (Speaker),

2018. TRAINING AND INTERNSHIP: Training of Trainer Weather Analysis, Pusdiklat BMKG Citeko, Oktober 2018.

2018. RESEARCH COLLABORATION: Indonesia Program Initiative on Maritime Observation and Analysis (InaPRIMA), 2018.

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